


即將踏入升中面試的旺季,各間中學,尤其多間名校,都將開始自行收生面試。呈分試考試成績、操行及課外活動固然重要,但於部分傳統名校,學生的面試表現仍佔較高比重。ECzone 為幫助同學更好的準備升中面試,小編為搜尋不同題目,部份題目更有參考答案讓大家好好準備。


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1. 請簡單介紹一下自己。


- 參考答案 -

你好!我是X X X!現正就讀X X小學,住在X X區(居住地區)。

我的家庭有X名成員,爸爸媽媽分別從事X X與 X X (父母的工作)。他們在空餘時間都會陪我們溫習……(顯示家人都有時間照顧同學的生活和學業)*若果有家庭成員是舊生的話可提出,或會加分*

我的興趣是X X,因為......。另外,我最喜歡的科目是X X,因為......。(解釋原因,並加入相關回憶、經歷等)





2. 請簡單介紹一下你的小學。

3. 你為什麼想入讀本校?

4. 你最喜愛哪一類型的書本/電視/電影?為什麼?

5. 你有哪些優缺點?

6. 你最喜歡什麼科目?你在該學科的表現出色嗎?

7. 你參加過什麼校內/校外活動?

- 6. & 7. 答題方向 -


(e.g. 喜歡數學科 >> 奧數比賽;喜歡視藝科 >> 繪畫或攝影比賽)


8. Please introduce yourself in 1 minute.

- 參考答案 -

My name is XXXXX. I’m XXX years old. There are XXXX members in my family.
They are my father, mother and I. I have a fantastic family life.
My mom and dad are very kind. Therefore, they teach me how to be a good boy/girl. (家庭介紹)


I study at XXXX Primary School. I go to school on foot. 
English can help me to communicate with foreigners.
As a result, I love learning English.
I’m a prefect leader. I always take care of the younger pupils. (學校/長處介紹)

I like to play badminton very much.
Being a member of the school team for three years, I have won the girl’s team award.(興趣介紹)


I want to be a teacher when I grow up because I want to train the children to be the pillar of the state in the future. (展望)


9. How much do you know about our school?

10. What are your strengths and weaknesses

11. Who is your favorite teacher? Why?

12. Who is your best friend? Why do you like her?





1. 朗讀文章題



2. 你認為學生應穿校服,還是便服上學?

3. 你認為名牌物品能提高一個人的自信心嗎?為什麼?

4. 你會用什麼動物形容香港人?

5. 如何分辨蒸餾水同礦泉水?

6. 你認為AI未來會取代人類嗎?

7. 假如你中了六合彩,你會怎樣運用巨額獎金?

8. 假如你被取錄,你在未來一年有什麼計劃?

9. 假如疫症又再肆虐,你面對著老人、孕婦、小孩、傷健人士及富商;但你手上只有一枝疫苗,你會把疫苗給誰?

10. 假如生命只剩下最後一天,你會做哪一件事?



1. Do you like Hong Kong, why?

2. What would you do to bring more tourist to Hong Kong?

3. Would you like to have a pet? Why?

4. Which country would you like to live in?

5. What did you do in your free time/ New Year Holiday?

6. Which person do you respect most? Why?

7. What is your favorite place in Hong Kong

8. If you were the penguins in Ocean Park, what would you say to Hong Kong People?

9. If your school teacher wants to improve students English, what activities would you suggest him/her to organize?

10. Should students wear uniform to school?

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